!pip install rich
December 11, 2021
The data corresponding to this problem and other problem instances can be obtained from the methods in the collapsed code cell below.
def get_problem_1():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[5],[4],[3]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[2,3,1],[4,1,2],[3,4,2]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[5],[11],[8]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_2():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[5],[5],[3]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[1,3,1],[-1,0,3],[2,-1,2],[2,3,-1]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[3],[2],[4],[2]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_2_1a():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[3],[2],[4]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[1,1,2],[2,0,3],[2,1,3]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[4],[5],[7]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_2_1b():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[5],[6],[9],[8]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[1,2,3,1],[1,1,2,3]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[5],[3]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_2_1c():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[2],[1]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[2,3],[1,5],[2,1],[4,1]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[3],[1],[4],[5]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_2_2():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[2],[3],[5],[4]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[1,2,3,1],[1,1,2,3]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[5],[3]])
return c, A, b
def get_unbounded_problem():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[1],[-1]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[-2,1],[-1,-2]])
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[-1],[-2]])
return c, A, b
def get_problem_1_6():
# objective function coefficients
c = np.array([[6],[3],[8],[3],[9],[5]])
# constraint coefficients
A = np.array([[1,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,1],
# right hand sides
b = np.array([[480],[400],[230],[420],[250]])
return c, A, b
Strictly speaking the method identifies the column corresponding to the variable that is going to be entering the basis.
def get_entering_column(chvatal_dict):
entering_column = None
# and second column and after since we are using
# the first column to store the RHSs.
z_coeffs = chvatal_dict[ Z_ROW , SECOND_COLUMN : ]
if np.max( z_coeffs ) > 0:
# the column that enters from the dictionary
# is one with the largest positive coefficient
# (since we are maximizing)
entering_column = np.argmax( z_coeffs ) + 1
# we need to add one since we looked from the
# second column onwards
return entering_column
The method identifies the row corresponding to the variable that is going to be leaving the basis.
def get_leaving_row(chvatal_dict, entering_column):
cd = chvatal_dict[ FIRST_ROW : ALL_BUT_LAST_ROW, : ]
cd_first_column = cd[:, FIRST_COLUMN].copy()
cd_entering_column = -cd[:, entering_column].copy()
# avoid a divide by zero - identify if any
# coefficients in the entering column are zero
if sum(cd_entering_column==0):
# set the numerator to -1
cd_first_column[cd_entering_column==0] = -1
# now replace the 0 in the denominators with 1
cd_entering_column[cd_entering_column==0] = 1
# This ensures that such columns are not considered
# when it comes time to decide the leaving variable
# Also note that after this step
# all entries in cd_entering_column==0 will be False
leaving_row_candidates = cd_first_column / cd_entering_column
# print(leaving_row_candidates)
# Identify the leaving variable
leaving_row = None
if np.min( leaving_row_candidates ) < 0:
# Replace candidates violating non-negativity by infinity
# so these will be ignored when choosing the leaving variable
leaving_row_candidates[ leaving_row_candidates < 0 ] = np.inf
# the row that leaves from the dictionary
# is the one that will impose the strictest
# constraint on the requirement that the
# variable remain non-negative
leaving_row = np.argmin( leaving_row_candidates )
return leaving_row
def get_pivot_row(chvatal_dict, leaving_row, entering_column):
# Need to find the coefficient of the non-basic variable
# that is going to be entering the basis.
pivot = -1 * chvatal_dict[leaving_row, entering_column]
# the pivot_array expresses the newly arrived
# basic variable in terms of the non-basic variables
next_pivot_row = chvatal_dict[leaving_row,:]/pivot
# the coefficent of the newly arrived non-basic variable
# it is moving from the LHS to the RHS hence the -1
next_pivot_row[entering_column] = -1./pivot
return pivot, next_pivot_row
def get_next_dictionary(chvatal_dict, leaving_row, entering_column,
row_lookup, column_lookup):
_, pivot_array = get_pivot_row(chvatal_dict,
# Update the remaining rows in the dictionary
# so they are now expressed in terms of the new arrived
# non-basic variable.
# m+1 since we also need to update the row for z
cd_candidate_rows = []
for j in range(m+1):
if j == leaving_row:
cd_candidate_rows.append( pivot_array )
# the coefficient of the leaving non-basic variable
multiplier = chvatal_dict[j, entering_column]
multiplier_times_pivot_array = multiplier * pivot_array
updated_row_array = multiplier_times_pivot_array + chvatal_dict[j, : ]
# correct the multiplier for the newly entered non-basic variable
updated_row_array[entering_column] = multiplier_times_pivot_array[entering_column]
# print(updated_row_array)
cd_candidate_rows.append( updated_row_array )
cd_next_it = np.vstack( cd_candidate_rows )
# assemble the updated list of basic variables
basic_next_it = row_lookup.copy()
# update the leaving row with the entering new basic variable
basic_next_it[leaving_row] = column_lookup[entering_column]
# assemble the updated list of nonbasic variables
nonbasic_next_it = column_lookup.copy()
# update the entering column with the new nonbasic variable
nonbasic_next_it[entering_column] = row_lookup[leaving_row]
return basic_next_it, nonbasic_next_it, cd_next_it
def get_row_variable_names(row_lookup):
row_names = {}
for row_index in row_lookup:
row_names[row_index] = variable_id_to_name[row_lookup[row_index]]
# print(f'row_index {row_index} variable {variable_to_name[row_lookup[row_index]]}')
# Last row is for z
row_names[Z_ROW] = 'z'
return row_names
def get_column_variable_names(col_lookup):
col_names = {}
# The first column contains RHSs
col_names[0] = 'RHS'
for col_index in col_lookup:
col_names[col_index] = variable_id_to_name[col_lookup[col_index]]
# print(f'column_index {col_index} variable {variable_to_name[col_lookup[col_index]]}')
return col_names
def get_chvatal_df(cd, row_lookup, col_lookup):
row_names = get_row_variable_names(row_lookup)
col_names = get_column_variable_names(col_lookup)
return pd.DataFrame(cd,
columns=[col_names[k] for k in sorted(col_names)],
index = [row_names[k] for k in sorted(row_names)])
# get the keys of nonbasic_next_iteration in the sorted order of values
# values here are nonbasic variables. Each key is a column index
# ordered_columns = sorted(col_lookup,
# key=col_lookup.__getitem__)
next_iteration = True
# iteration counter
it = 0
variable_id_to_name = dict(zip(range(n+m),[f'x_{i+1}' for i in range(n+m)]))
# variable ids that will take on zero values
nonbasic = [i for i in range(n)]
# variable ids that will take on nonzero values
basic = [i for i in range(n,n+m)]
row_lookup_it = {}
# row_lookup_it[i] is a dictionary telling us the id of the
# decision variable corresponding to any row in the Chvátal
# dictionary for iteration i
row_lookup_it[it] = dict( zip(range(m), basic) )
col_lookup_it = {}
# col_lookup_it[i] is a dictionary telling us the id of the
# decision variable corresponding to any column (strictly greater than 0)
# in the Chvátal dictionary for iteration i
# We ignore column 0 since we use it to store the right hand sides.
col_lookup_it[it] = dict( zip(range(1,n+1), nonbasic) )
z_star = 0
cd_it = {}
cd_it[it] = np.vstack( [ np.hstack([b, -A]), np.vstack( [ [z_star] , c ]).T ] )
cd_df = get_chvatal_df(cd_it[it],
print(f'Iteration {it}\n Chvátal dictionary \n {cd_df}')
if np.min( cd_it[it][ FIRST_ROW : ALL_BUT_LAST_ROW, FIRST_COLUMN ] ) < 0:
# This means that some basic variable takes on a negative
# value in the starting solution.
print('Stopping. Infeasible starting solution.')
while next_iteration:
entering_column = get_entering_column(cd_it[it])
if entering_column is None:
next_iteration = False
# get the identifier for the variable that corresponds to
# the entering column
entering_var_id = col_lookup_it[it][entering_column]
entering_var_name = variable_id_to_name[entering_var_id]
print(f' Entering variable {entering_var_name}')
leaving_row = get_leaving_row(cd_it[it], entering_column)
# get the identifier for the variable that corresponds to
# the leaving row
leaving_var_id = row_lookup_it[it][leaving_row]
leaving_var_name = variable_id_to_name[leaving_var_id]
print(f' Leaving variable {leaving_var_name}\n')
basic, nonbasic, cd = get_next_dictionary(cd_it[it],
# Update
it += 1
row_lookup_it[it] = basic
col_lookup_it[it] = nonbasic
cd_it[it] = cd
# Pretty print the updated dictionary
cd_df = get_chvatal_df(cd,
print(f'Iteration {it}\n Chvátal dictionary \n {cd_df}')
Iteration 0 Chvátal dictionary RHS x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 5 -2 -3 -1 x_5 11 -4 -1 -2 x_6 8 -3 -4 -2 z 0 5 4 3
Entering variable x_1
Leaving variable x_4
Iteration 1 Chvátal dictionary RHS x_4 x_2 x_3 x_1 2.5 -0.5 -1.5 -0.5 x_5 1.0 2.0 5.0 0.0 x_6 0.5 1.5 0.5 -0.5 z 12.5 -2.5 -3.5 0.5
Entering variable x_3
Leaving variable x_6
Iteration 2 Chvátal dictionary RHS x_4 x_2 x_6 x_1 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 1.0 x_5 1.0 2.0 5.0 -0.0 x_3 1.0 3.0 1.0 -2.0 z 13.0 -1.0 -3.0 -1.0
We will continue to expand on this basic implementation (and rectify it’s many deficiences) in future posts.